Franchise Investing

Franchise Resource Information

The following are some important organizations and web sites, which could be helpful in investigating and selecting a franchise.

(IFA) International Franchise Association

The IFA is an international association to help regulate, teach, consult, train, monitor and maintain a healthy franchise industry for both the franchisee and the franchisor. Most established franchise companies would join and be a part of this organization.

“International Franchise Association is the world’s oldest and largest organization representing franchising worldwide. IFA’s mission is to protect, enhance and promote franchising through government relations, public relations and educational programs.”

At the IFA site you will find:

  • Detailed information for over 1,100 franchises
  • A complete list of subject matter experts, and
  • The most comprehensive library of franchising information available ranging from basic “how to’s” to advanced regulatory and legal information.

Your consultants Kevin and Chad Olson have both been guest speakers and workshop presenters at the IFA Conventions.

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(SBA) U.S. Small Business Administration

The SBA is a government organization made to assist small business growth and entrepreneurism. They can help in lending by either guaranteeing loans and/or making them.

The SBA not only can help with possible loans and grants but they can teach you how to start and manage a business, counsel and provide free training to business owners and future business owners. Your consultants have helped many others work and get loans with the SBA. 

Franchise Investor

(FTC) Federal Trade Commission

The FTC is a U.S. government organization which regulates businesses, among them the franchising industry. The FTC forces franchising companies to disclose important items about each and every franchise company. This information is contained in a document called the (FDD) Franchise Disclosure Document. This is one of the most important documents, which should be review by anyone buying a franchise.

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(BBB) Better Business Bureau

This is an organization which helps in keeping businesses honest. When a person has a complaint about a business, one of the first places they can complain to is the BBB. Whenever a person wants to use a product, service or see if anyone has ever had a complaint about a company, this is a good place to call.

Franchise Investor

(CFA) Canadian Franchise Association

This is the Canadian form of the IFA. It is there to assist and help the franchising industry in Canada.

Franchise Investor

(SCORE) Counselors to America’s Small Business

SCORE mentors offer free, helpful business advice online and through face-to-face mentoring. SCORE mentors are generally successful businesspersons or retired professionals who most of the times have owned their own companies. They can give a person advice in almost every aspect of business ownership including; budgeting, marketing, business set-up, salesmanship, buying, inventory control, hiring and firing, etc.

This organization has many local offices throughout the United States where they hold workshops; give training helps and newsletters to assist most anyone interested in becoming a business owner.

Other Franchise & Business Resources

Recommended books and magazines:

The Entrepreneur Magazine

Forbes Magazine

Inc. Magazine

The Franchise Handbook

Success Magazine

The Educated Franchisee by Rick Bisio

Street Smart Franchising by Joe Matthews

The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley & William Danko

Possible Web Site Resource Information


This Web Site contains links to third party web sites, books and magazines. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by FranchiseInvestigate or its affiliates of the contents on such third-party sites or information contained therein. FranchiseInvestigates is not responsible for the content of linked third-party information and does not make any representations regarding the content of accuracy of materials on such third party sites. If you decide to access linked third-party books, magazines and web sites, you do so at your own risk. Any information you receive from your consultant or contained in this or any site you look at should be verified and not be relied on in making important decisions. Always check with an attorney, CPA, adviser or anyone you fill comfortable with before making a life changing decision.